• Start date:
  • 9 December 2024
  • Duration:
  • 2 days
  • Legal area:
  • Criminology, Jeugdrecht, Straf(proces)recht
  • Course:
  • Conference

About the conference

The Illicit Networks Workshop (INW) includes the leading scholars and analysts from across the world that share a research interest in the use of network analysis in furthering the understanding of the activities of individuals, groups, and organizations engaged in organized crime, gangs, transnational crime and corruption issues. The INW is designed with the goal of maximizing meaningful and ongoing knowledge exchange among researchers, policy makers and those involved in policy, program and practical engagement with illicit networks. While some members draw heavily on quantitative social network analysis, others utilize other methods (e.g. ethnography) for studying illicit networks. The focus is less on the relative merits of the approach and more on the rigor of the science and value of the insights to theory building and practical policy solutions.

Conference speakers
To be announced

Target audience
Academic researchers, PhD/Master students, Policy makers, Law Enforcement Agencies, with an interest in organized crime, gangs, terrorism, and other illicit networks.

Remote attendance      
Unfortunately, remote attendance is not available for this conference.

Do you have any questions?
We will gladly answer them.

E-mail: events@law.leidenuniv.nl
Phone: +31 (0)71 527 8666
All contact details


Day 1
Monday December 9th of 2024

08.30       Coffee & Registration

Welcome INW 2024 


Session I – Drug trafficking networks 


Morning tea


Session II – Online illicit networks 

13.15 Lunch
14.00 Session III – Practical problem workshop 
15.30 Afternoon tea
16.00 Session IV – Mafia networks and arms trafficking 
18.00 Closing remarks by INW
18.10 Drinks
20.00 Conference dinner (pre-registration required)


Day 2
Tuesday December 10th of 2024

08.30       Coffee & Registration

Session I – Terrorist networks and outlaw motorcycle gangs 

11:00 Morning tea

Session II – Keynote lectures 

13:00 Lunch
13:45 Sessions III – Ego network exposure and co-offending networks 
15:25 Afternoon tea
15:55 Sessions IV – Police, police intelligence and open source intelligence networks 
17:55 Closing remarks by INW



prof. mr. dr. Arjan Blokland Juridisch PAO Leiden
prof. mr. dr. A.A.J. Blokland
Prof. M. Falson Texas State University
prof. M Felson
Prof. K. von Lampe, Berlin School of Economics
prof. K von Lampe

Rapenburg 67-73, 2311GJ LEIDEN

€375,- (excl. VAT)
including lunches and digital conference materials.